17th Annual Osage Oil & Gas Summit
December 12 & 13, 2018
2018 Oil & Gas Summit Agenda

16th Annual Osage Oil & Gas Summit
November 1st & 2nd, 2017
Opening Ceremonies
Lease Sale
Dr. Steve Pratt, Featured Speaker - Osage Language and Culture
Leasing the Osage Mineral Estate - Robin Phillips, BIA Supervisor and staff
Creation, Purpose, Potential - Edward Red Eagle, ONES, LLC
An Effort to Provide Access to Modern Oil and Gas Data in Osage County, Oklahoma - Mark Cooper, owner, Buffalo Data,
Osage Anomaly - Dr. Kevin Crain, Research Geophysicist - Oklahoma Geological Survey, University of Oklahoma
SPCC Overview & Update on Oil Production on the Osage - Tom McKay, Oil & Gas Inspector - EPA Region 6
Water-Energy-Seismicity Research - Dr. Kyle Murray, Hydrogeologist for the Oklahoma Geological Survey - University of Oklahoma
Mississippian Limestone and differences in Oil and Possible migration paths - Dr. Jim Puckette, Faculty Advisor - Oklahoma State University
Earthquakes & Overviews of Oil & Gas Development in Osage County - Dr. Jeremy Boak, Director Oklahoma Geological Survey Mewbourne College of Earth Energy - University of Oklahoma
Bird Creek Update - William "Bill" Lynn, Director, Minerals Department
15th Annual Osage Oil & Gas Summit
December 7, 2016