Legislation Information

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Title Legislation Date Fiscal Year Session Document Type Description Documents Legislation Tag
ONCA 23-82 August 17 2023 - 12:00 FY24 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY23 TziZho Session ONCA An Act to provide an appropriation to the Legislative Branch of the Osage Nation for fiscal year 2024 in the amount of two million six hundred forty three thousand seven hundred nineteen dollars ($2,643,719); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Shaw) ORIGINAL, COMMITTEE, ENGROSSED, ENACTED TziZho
ONCR 23-19 August 10 2023 - 12:00 FY24 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY23 TziZho Session ONCR A Resolution to approve a request for a five percent (5%) Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for Osage Nation Merited Employees for Fiscal Year 2024. (Revard) ORIGINAL, COMMITTEE, ENGROSSED, ENACTED TziZho
ONCR 23-18 August 10 2023 - 12:00 FY24 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY23 TziZho Session ONCR A Resolution to authorize the Principal Chief of the Osage Nation to execute real property leases and right-of-way easements on restricted Indian lands and trust lands on behalf of the Osage Nation through October 1, 2024. (BigHorse) ORIGINAL, COMMITTEE, ENGROSSED, ENACTED TziZho
ONCA 23-81 August 09 2023 - 12:00 FY24 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - FY23 TziZho Session ONCA An Act to authorize and appropriate two million dollars ($2,000,000) to the Permanent Fund; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Revard) ORIGINAL, COMMITTEE, ENGROSSED, ENACTED TziZho
ONCA 23-80 July 31 2023 - 12:00 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - 7th Special Session ONCA An Act to amend the alternate effective date of ONCA 23-73 to give the Gaming Enterprise more time to negotiate terms with its lending facility; and to establish an alternate effective date. (Potts) ORIGINAL, COMMITTEE, ENGROSSED
ONCR 23-17 July 26 2023 - 12:00 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - 7th Special Session ONCR A Resolution to approve and authorize the execution of a self-governance Compact between the Osage Nation and the United States of America for the comprehensive delivery of services. (Revard) ORIGINAL, COMMITTEE, ENGROSSED, ENACTED
ONCR 23-16 July 26 2023 - 12:00 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - 7th Special Session ONCR A Resolution to revise and approve the fiscal year 2024 Annual Revenue Projection of the Osage Nation. (Revard) ORIGINAL, COMMITTEE, ENGROSSED, ENACTED
ONCA 23-79 July 26 2023 - 12:00 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - 7th Special Session ONCA An Act to amend ONCA 22-95 to provide supplemental appropriations to the Executive Branch in the amount of six hundred fifty one thousand two hundred sixty seven dollars ($651,267); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Lemon) ORIGINAL, COMMITTEE, FISCAL ANALYSIS, GENERAL ORDER AMENDMENT, FISCAL ANALYSIS FOR AMENDMENT, ENGROSSED, ENACTED
ONCA 23-78 July 26 2023 - 12:00 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - 7th Special Session ONCA An Act to amend ONCA 22-03 to provide a supplemental appropriation in the amount of nine thousand eight hundred four dollars ($9,804); and to estalbish an alternate effective date. (Lemon) ORIGINAL, COMMITTEE, ENGROSSED, ENACTED
ONCA 23-77 July 26 2023 - 12:00 FY23 Eighth Osage Nation Congress - 7th Special Session ONCA An Act to amend ONCA 22-84 to provide a supplemental appropriation to Tribal Works for fiscal year 2023 in the amount of eighty thousand dollars ($80,000); and to establish an alternate effective date. (Lemon) ORIGINAL, COMMITTEE