Osage Nation Housing Department Promotes Emergency Home Rehabilitation Program for all Native Americans on the Osage Nation Reservation

Brandon Housing Photo

The recent storms across the Osage Nation Reservation have left many homeowners in urgent need. The Osage Nation Housing Department is ready to assist eligible Native American homeowners elevate their living standards through home improvement. The Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) funds the Osage Nation Emergency Home Rehabilitation Program, a lifeline for eligible Native American homeowners, transforming their homes across the Osage Nation Reservation and bringing a new level of comfort and safety to their lives. 

What is considered an emergency? 

An emergency violates standards that place the applicant and family members at serious safety or health risk. The Housing Director can declare an emergency, which expedites the process and removes the competitive bidding process. 

Who is eligible? 

Native American homeowners who meet the income criteria are eligible throughout the Osage Nation Reservation. The Osage Nation will verify warranty deeds. The applicant cannot own more than one home. 

What are the income criteria? 

Total household income must fall under the HUD-established income limits, which are available here: www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/il.html. Osage Nation will verify income during the application review process. 

The application and policy and procedure manual are readily available at www.osagenation-nsn.gov/services/housing. The Osage Nation Housing Department is deeply committed to helping all eligible applicants. If you have any questions or need assistance with the application, please don't hesitate to call (918) 287-5310 or email housing@osagenation-nsn.gov