Minerals Council Meeting Agenda


Minerals Council Meetings for the month of April are scheduled for Friday, April 17th, and Wednesday, April 22nd.  Live audio will be available for both meetings at https://www.osagenation-nsn.gov/multimedia/live-media

Minerals Council Meeting

Agenda for Friday, April 17, 2015

1.  Call to order – Welcome by Chairman Waller      

2. Opening prayer and Reading of Deceased Osages

3. Roll call

4. New Business

    A. Great Nations- Joe Daugomah

    B. C4- Jaime Alzundua

    C. Ground Metrics- Jim Williams

    D. Geo Prospects- Tom Thralls

    E. Nadel and Gusman- Jim Knipe

    F. Chris Henderson- Halcon

    G. Cynthia Boone- Celebration for Marguerite Dennison

H. Review March Meeting minutes

5. Executive

6. Old Business

    A. Davis- Oil and gas lease

    B. Burbank Materials

    C. Bandolier- Shane Matson

D. Penta – Raymelle Wilson- Sandstone and Sandy Soil permit

E. Sullivan – Resolution gas lease

F. Candy Creek Crusher- J.L. Holt

7. Adjournment