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Title Legislation Date Fiscal Year Session Document Type Description Documents Legislation Tag
ONCA 07-48 September 27 2007 - 12:00 FY07 First Osage Nation Congress - FY07 TziZho ONCA An Act to provide for the Issuance and Enforcement of Congressional Subpoenas; declaring an emergency; and setting an effective date. Congressional Subpoena Act ORIGINAL, COMMITTEE, COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE, ENGROSSED, ENACTED
ONCA 07-46 September 27 2007 - 12:00 FY07 First Osage Nation Congress - FY07 TziZho ONCA An Act to provide an Appropriation for the construction or restoration of facilities associated with established Osage Native American Churches, declare an emergency, and set an effective date. ORIGINAL, AMENDMENTS, COMMITTEE, COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE, ENGROSSED, ENACTED Appropriations
ONCA 07-45 July 24 2007 - 12:00 FY07 First Osage Nation Congress - 6th Special Session ONCA An Act Providing an Appropriation to the Osage Nation Executive Branch for the purchase of real property; Declaring an emergency; Setting an effective date. ORIGINAL, COMMITTEE, ENACTED Appropriations
ONCA 07-44 April 15 2007 - 12:00 FY07 First Osage Nation Congress - FY07 HunKah ONCA An Act amending the Act entitled "An Act Relating to the Osage Business Enterprise; Making an Appropriation Thereto; Authorizing Spending; Declaring an Emergency and Setting an Effective Date. ORIGINAL, AMENDMENTS, ENGROSSED, ENACTED
ONCA 07-42 April 08 2008 - 12:00 FY07 First Osage Nation Congress - 4th Special Session ONCA An Act to establish acceptable standards of ethical conduct by government officials, employees, and those who do business with the Osage Nation. Osage Nation Ethics Law ORIGINAL, COMMITTEE, COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE, ENGROSSED, ENACTED
ONCA 07-41 April 16 2007 - 12:00 FY07 First Osage Nation Congress - FY07 HunKah ONCA An act amending the Osage Nation Revenue and Taxation Act of 2006, as amended; declaring and emergency and establishing an effective date. ORIGINAL, COMMITTEE, COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE, AMENDMENTS, ENGROSSED
ONCA 07-40 April 15 2007 - 12:00 FY07 First Osage Nation Congress - FY07 HunKah ONCA An Act governing the imposition of business licenses by the Osage Nation on the Osage Indian Reservation. Osage Nation Business License Code ORIGINAL, COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE, COMMITTEE, AMENDMENTS, ENGROSSED, ENACTED
ONCA 07-37 April 13 2007 - 12:00 FY07 First Osage Nation Congress - FY07 HunKah ONCA Osage Nation Execution on Judgment Act (Edwards) ORIGINAL, COMMITTEE, ENGROSSED, ENACTED
ONCA 07-36 April 13 2007 - 12:00 FY07 First Osage Nation Congress - FY07 HunKah ONCA An Act to provide for the filing and recognition of a foreign judgment by the Osage Nation. Osage Nation Foreign Judgment Act ORIGINAL, COMMITTEE, ENGROSSED, ENACTED
ONCA 07-33 April 13 2007 - 12:00 FY07 First Osage Nation Congress - FY07 HunKah ONCA An act to amend the "Osage Nation Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2007"; declare an emergency, and establish an alternate effective date. ORIGINAL, COMMITTEE, ENGROSSED, ENACTED Appropriations