The Osage Nation Housing Department assists our clients in achieving an elevated standard of living through home improvement and homeownership opportunities, break down cultural housing barriers experienced by Native Americans, and empowering Native families to achieve financial self-sustainability.
Contact Information
Osage Nation Housing Department Director: Talee Redcorn
Phone: 918-287-5310
Toll-free: 1-800-490-8771
Fax: 918-287-5568
Email: Housing@osagenation-nsn.gov
Physical Address: 239 West 12th Street, Pawhuska, OK 74056
Mailing Address: 627 Grandview Avenue, Pawhuska, OK 74056
The Osage Nation Storm Shelter Assistance Program provides up to $5,000 directly to storm shelter vendors for Osage homeowners across the United States. Applicants must be homeowners using the assistance to purchase, install, or rehabilitate a storm shelter. THIS PROGRAM PAYS VENDORS DIRECTLY, NOT TO THE APPLICANTS.
To be considered an eligible Osage member, the applicant must complete a Storm Shelter Assistance Program Application, which requires:
- Completed application form
- Copy of Osage Nation membership card for each member of the household
- Copy of photo identification for each adult in the household
- Copy of social security cards for each household member
- Copy of proof of ownership (Warranty Deed, Use Permit, etc.)
- Bid/Invoice for installation/repairs of storm shelter
- W9 and Direct Deposit information for contractor payment
- Proof of installation/repair upon completion
Assistance will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis while funds are available.
The Osage Nation Housing Department strives to assist eligible Native American homeowners elevate their living standards through home improvement. The Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) funds the Osage Nation Emergency Home Rehabilitation Program, a lifeline for eligible Native American homeowners, transforming their homes across the Osage Nation Reservation and bringing a new level of comfort and safety to their lives.
What is considered an emergency? An emergency violates standards that place the applicant and family members at serious safety or health risk. The Housing Director can declare an emergency, which expedites the process and removes the competitive bidding process.
Who is eligible? Native American homeowners who meet the income criteria are eligible throughout the Osage Nation Reservation. The Osage Nation will verify warranty deeds. The applicant cannot own more than one home.
What are the income criteria? Total household income must fall under the HUD-established income limits, which are available here: www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/il.html. Osage Nation will verify income during the application review process.
To be considered an eligible Osage member, the applicant must complete a Emergency Home Rehabilitation application, which requires:
- Completed Application Form
- Osage Nation membership number
- Copies of CDIB if not a member of the Osage Nation
- Copies of photo identification for all household members eighteen (18) and over
- Copies of Social Security cards for all household members
- Proof of ownership (Warranty Deed, Use Permit from BIA Realty)
- Proof of Residence (Recent utility bill in the name of applicant)
- Verification of income-All household members
- Copy of current & signed Federal Tax Return, 1040 form (sign and date on second page of form 1040)
- Release of Information form
- Physician’s Statements verifying disability/handicap (SSI Letter, Veteran’s Administration (if applicable)
- Verification of Veteran Status (form DD – 214)
Assistance will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis while funds are available.
The Voucher Program operates on a fiscal year (October through September) and serves low-income Native American households residing in the service area (Osage County) by providing assistance to relocate or assistance during a financial emergency. A financial emergency is a situation beyond one’s control that results in the inability to temporarily pay rent, mortgage, and utilities.
Eligible applicants are Native Americans 18 years of age or older, residents of Osage County, and whose household income does not exceed 80% of the U.S. median income limits, as published by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Please click the link below to read the full policy for more information.
- Voucher Application
- Current Income Limits
- Taxpayer Affidavit
- Rental Statement
- Voucher Policy
- Appeal Request Form
The Osage Nation Down Payment Assistance Program is open to eligible Native Americans living within the State of Oklahoma and is designed to assist first-time homebuyers in finding affordable, quality housing. Osage preference applies to this service. For eligibility information or to request assistance, please click the link below to access an application. We look forward to serving you.
Osage Nation Senior Housing provides maintenance-free and affordable rental housing to Native American elders residing on the Osage Nation Reservation (Osage County). Rental rates are based on residents' annual household income. Osage preference applies to this service. For eligibility information or to request assistance, please click the link below to access an application. We look forward to serving you.
Phone: 918-287-5310
Toll-free: 1-800-490-8771
Fax: 918-287-5568
Email: Housing@osagenation-nsn.gov