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Your tax-deductible donation to the Daposka Ahnkodapi contributes to enriching experiences and facility enhancements that greatly benefit Osage youth. Donate online, call (918) 287-5261, or email donations@osagenation-nsn.gov.  

Where does your money go? 2023-24 Academic Year donations go directly to the following: 

  • Installation of wood flooring in the gym and a small set of bleachers. 
  • Renovation of the current Wahzhazhe Early Learning Academy building to be used for Middle School. 
  • A 15-passenger van for field trips.
  • Tribal regalia for students who need financial support. 
  • Fund upcoming 2023-24 school trips: 
    • Middle School will visit Crazy Horse Monument in S. Dakota and Yellowstone Park in Wyoming.
    • All schools will go to Washington, DC, to attend the Native American Youth Language Fair and visit the Smithsonian Native American Museum.
    • Middle School visit to Osage Cultural Sites in Missouri.